We are looking for talented people to help spread charitable Linkberry`s work.
# 01
Who can be ambassadors?
Crypto enthusiasts, Community leaders, Influencers, and Content creators. Most of all, we need people who are passionate and motivated
about charitable work of Linkberry.
If you’re interested in joining in this adventure, keep reading to learn more.
# 02
Ambassador Duties
As an ambassador for Linkberry, you'll be in charge of completing the following tasks.
Philanthropists in Poor countries
Social Marketer
Use social media channels to grow our community by attracting investors as well as liquidity providers.
Translate articles in your region’s language.
Content Manager
Share translated content in social media channels.
Content Creator
Create educational video content.
The Salary will be paid in our Native tokens per month.
Rewards will be 100 Linkberry tokens per one retweet in Linkberry`s X tweets from 15th October.
# 03
Apply for on-line ambassador
We are ready to take the next leap on the global stage, and we are looking for new talents to join our endeavors. If you fill out the
form below, we will comfirm and contact you as soon as possible.